3 Ways You Can Help Your Young Child Get Used To Braces

A lot of pediatric dentists focus on interceptive orthodontics, or early orthodontics. This type of treatment can be performed while baby teeth are still present. The goal of interceptive orthodontics is to catch orthodontic issues early on while the jaws are still developing so that your child doesn't have to have invasive care later on. However, some young children may still need to get braces, even with early intervention. If your pediatric dentist recommends braces for your child, he or she may be sore early on as they get used to wires and brackets. [Read More]

5 Benefits of Dental Botox

In recent years, American dentistry has adopted the use of Botox for several conditions including both functional and cosmetic issues. Because Botox is well-known in the cosmetic sphere but not as talked about in the medical sphere, some people might be wary about dentists offering Botox. However, dentists have a deep understanding of facial structure and musculature, making a dentist trained in Botox delivery a safe option. Plus, there are several ways Botox can benefit dental patients. [Read More]

Signs That You Might Need a Root Canal

No one ever wants to get a root canal procedure on a tooth, but many people need this procedure to save a tooth that requires a lot of work. How do you know if you need a root canal procedure? The best way to know is by visiting a dentist, but some signs can indicate that you need one. Here are five of the most common signs that you need this procedure. [Read More]

Ways Dentists Help Adults With First-Time Dental Insurance

Finding a new job as an adult can transform a person's life in many ways. For example, they may end up getting dental insurance after years without it. And a talk with their dentist about what to expect may help prepare them for some big dental issues. New Dental Insurance Brings Some Concerns People who have lived much of their early 20s without dental insurance may find that they are suddenly faced with new coverage after getting a better job. [Read More]