Missing A Tooth? Know Why A Dental Implant Is The Best Option

If you're missing a tooth, your dentist will likely present you with four options to pick from. By understanding what those are and the problems that can come from them, you may realize that a dental implant is the best option for you. Option 1: Do Nothing You always have the option to do nothing. You'll have an unsightly gap between your teeth and over time can have issues with bone loss in that area of your jaw. [Read More]

Bad Breath? It May Take More Than Brushing And Rinsing

Look at just about any toothpaste or mouthwash packaging and you are certain to see a reference about how these products will improve the smell of your breath. However, it is important to understand that brushing and using mouthwash alone are not always the solution to foul breath. Underlying factors are sometimes the cause of the problem. If you have an odor that toothpaste and mouthwash cannot seem to beat, learn more about what could be the problem. [Read More]

Have An Abscessed Tooth? 3 Reasons To Seek Emergency Dental Care Right Away

If you have a dental abscess, don't wait to see your dentist. You may think the abscess will go away on its own, but that's not the case. You may even think it's safe to wait for a regular office visit. That's the worst thing you can do, especially when you have an abscess. You might not realize this, but an abscess can cause serious problems for you. Dental abscesses begin as infections. [Read More]

Three Common Dental Problems: Are They Compatible With Invisible Braces?

Not everyone has perfect teeth or oral health. But does that mean that you can't benefit from invisible braces, also known as Invisalign? In most cases, you'll be happy to hear that you can still use invisible braces. Here's what you should know about three common dental conditions and how they get along with invisible braces. Dental Fillings If you've ever had a cavity, then you have a dental filling. Dental fillings are used to plug up the holes that cavities leave behind after all the decayed material is removed by a dentist. [Read More]